As Bus manufacturer TAM-EUROPE, we strive to combine values that lead us to provide the best results for our customers. In order to achieve such results in the market, we understand that with our own experienced teams of people we have to secure a working environment that allows each and every member to deliver great work on all levels of our company. With this in mind, we are convinced that a serious commercial vehicle manufacturer needs to understand all technical aspects of the vehicles being produced as well as the operational needs of their customers in the market. For these reasons Research & Development and Customer Service are the pillars of our undertaking to ensure we provide excellence.

Being oriented towards maximum customer satisfaction, we have a strong emphasis towards research and development activities in order to ensure we provide a quick and flexible reaction to dynamic market demands and in order to constantly remain at the forefront of technological development in the bus industry.

Now with the development of our electric drive system, the new products of TAM-EUROPE are today leading the way towards emission free vehicles and efficient public transport solutions.

At TAM-Europe we believe that the quality of service defines the market success of a company and its products. We are constantly mindful of the fact that even the best-engineered products require sound and reliable service in the field. The availability of well-trained service technicians and spare parts along with the will to solve our customers’ problems pragmatically, lead to our high quality after sales service, one that is able to satisfy even the most demanding customers long after the vehicle has been sold and delivered to its owner and operator.

The key to success is consistency in the way employees carry out their work and an understanding of the company’s business philosophy, which needs to be emphasized and communicated so that it becomes a fundamental guiding principle in the decisions and actions of all employees.
TAM-EUROPE d.o.o.’s business direction is to deliver results. Therefore, our business policy, programmes and activities are the ones that prove that we care about the stakeholders in our business processes. The satisfaction of our customers is both the goal and the source of the means to perform our work and that of our suppliers, as well as the source of added value for the owners and other stakeholders in the social environment and the community in which our company is embedded. By continuously improving our services and products, their scope, quality and productivity, we will ensure the differentiation of our services and exceed the demands and expectations of the market, thus ensuring the satisfaction and loyalty of our customers.
Improvements and innovations in all areas of our business will ensure stable and sustainable growth of our company. We will treat all stakeholders in our business processes – customers, employees, owners, suppliers and the local community – with fairness, dignity and respect. Our business is conducted at a high moral level. Knowledge, experience and honesty are key credentials for our type of business.
We are a company that delivers on its promises. We are committed to the effective selection, development, motivation and appreciation of our employees and their work through our activities and business opportunities. Our concern for the continuous creation of added value and the growth of the company is the basis for providing social security to our employees. At the same time, ensuring the stability of the company and its position in global markets is also a way to increase the social security of our employees and other company stakeholders.
At TAM-EUROPE d.o.o., we have devoted a great deal of attention to additional training in the field of quality and professional work. We are committed to the education and professional development of all our employees.
TAM-EUROPE d.o.o. employees are committed to operating in compliance with the requirements of the environmental management system, continuous improvement, pollution prevention and compliance with legal requirements.
We commit to continue to:
• produce vehicles that meet the highest environmental requirements;
• ensure coordinated planning and systematic implementation of measures to prevent pollution and reduce environmental impacts;
• train our employees and others who work on our behalf and whose actions can influence our environmental management;
• monitor key features of our operations that may have a significant impact on the environment and, based on the findings, reduce environmental risks and take corrective action;
• reduce the occurrence of accident risks and improve procedures for dealing with such incidents;
• ensure that the policy adopted is made available to stakeholders.
Environmental protection is an important value in the organizational culture of TAM-EUROPE d.o.o.

Maribor, 5.12.2022

Yu Zhao


Politika kakovosti in ravnanja z okoljem


Ključ do uspeha je doslednost zaposlenih pri izvajanju delovnih nalog in razumevanje poslovne filozofije podjetja, ki jo je potrebno poudarjati in o njej ozaveščati tako, da bo postala osnovno vodilo pri odločanju in delovanju vseh zaposlenih.

Poslovna smer TAM-EUROPE d.o.o. je doseči rezultate. Zato so naša poslovna politika, programi in dejavnosti ti, ki dokazujejo, da nam ni vseeno za udeležence v poslovnih procesih. Zadovoljstvo naših kupcev je cilj in hkrati vir sredstev za opravljanje našega dela in dela naših dobaviteljev, kakor tudi vir za ustvarjanje dodane vrednosti za lastnike in ostale deležnike v socialnem okolju in skupnosti, v katero je vpeto naše podjetje. Z nenehnim izboljševanjem storitev in izdelkov, njihovim obsegom, kakovostjo in produktivnostjo, bomo zagotovili razlikovanje naših storitev in presegli zahteve in pričakovanja trga, ter si s tem zagotovili zadovoljstvo in zvestobo naših kupcev.

Z izboljšavami in inovativnostmi na vseh področjih našega poslovanja bomo zagotavljali stabilno in trajno rast našega podjetja. Z vsemi udeleženci v poslovnih procesih – kupci, zaposlenimi, lastniki, dobavitelji in lokalno skupnostjo – bomo ravnali pošteno, dostojanstveno in spoštljivo. Poslovanje v našem podjetju je na visoki moralni ravni. Znanje, izkušnje in iskrenost so ključne ocene za našo vrsto poslovanja.

Smo podjetje, ki izpolnjuje svoje obljube. Z opravljanjem dejavnosti in s poslovnimi priložnostmi smo zavezani k učinkoviti izbiri, razvoju, motivaciji zaposlenih, hvaležnosti do svoji zaposlenih ter njihovega dela. Skrb za nenehno ustvarjanje dodane vrednosti in rast podjetja je osnova pri zagotavljanju socialne varnosti našim zaposlenim. Skrb za stabilnost podjetja in uveljavitev na globalnih trgih je hkrati tudi način za povečanje socialne varnosti naših zaposlenih in ostalih deležnikov podjetja.

V TAM-EUROPE d.o.o. smo posvetili veliko pozornost dodatnemu izobraževanju na področju kakovosti in strokovnega dela. Skrbimo za izobraževanje in za dvig strokovnega znanja vseh zaposlenih.

Zaposleni v podjetju TAM-EUROPE d.o.o. smo zavezani k delovanju skladno z zahtevami sistema ravnanja z okoljem, nenehnim izboljšavam, preprečevanju onesnaževanja ter upoštevanju zakonskih zahtev.

Zavezujemo, da bomo še naprej:

  • izdelovali vozila, ki izpolnjujejo najvišje okoljske zahteve;
  • zagotovili usklajeno načrtovanje in sistematično izvajanje ukrepov za preprečevanje onesnaževanja in zmanjševanja vplivov na okolje;
  • usposabljali zaposlene in druge, ki delajo v našem imenu in s svojimi dejanji lahko vplivajo na ravnanje z okoljem;
  • spremljali ključne značilnosti svojega delovanja, ki lahko pomembno vplivajo na okolje in na podlagi ugotovitev zmanjševali okoljska tveganja ter izvajali korektivne ukrepe;
  • zmanjševali pojav tveganja nesreč in izboljševali postopke za ukrepanje v takih primerih;
  • zagotavljali, da bo sprejeta politika na voljo zainteresiranim.

Varstvo okolja je pomembna vrednota organizacijske kulture podjetja TAM-EUROPE d.o.o.


Maribor, 5.12.2022

Yu Zhao
