Basic Company Info

Company name: TAM-EUROPE d.o.o.

Registered seat: Cesta  k Tamu 33, 2000 Maribor
Office & Production: Cesta k Tamu 33, 2000 Maribor,
Country: SLOVENIA, EU, euro-zone, Schengen area
Tax ID: SI 68085559
Trade register number: 3990516000

Management team
Mr. Fuxiong Ma, CEO

Ownership structure:
100 % – CHTC EUROPE HOLDING B.V. (a subsidiary company of Jingwei Textile Machinery Co., Ltd.  (Hong Kong SE: 000666) ss part of CHTC China Hi-Tech Group Corporation)


All Rights Reserved. The text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files and their arrangement on TAM-EUROPE Internet sites are all subject to Copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other sites. Some TAM-EUROPE Internet sites also contain material that is subject to the copyright rights of their providers.


Unless otherwise indicated, all marks displayed on TAM-EUROPE Internet sites are subject to the trademark rights of TAM-EUROPE, this applies especially to its model name plates, and its corporate logos and emblems.

No Licenses

The TAM-EUROPE has thought to achieve an innovative and informative Internet site. We hope that you will be as enthusiastic as we are about this creative effort. However, you also need to understand that the TAM-EUROPE must protect their Intellectual Property, including their patents, trademarks and copyrights. Accordingly, you are hereby on notice that neither this Internet site, nor any material contained therein shall in any way grant or be taken to grant any person a license to the TAM-EUROPE’s Intellectual Property.


All prices specified are recommended retail prices. Prices are current at the time of publication and subject to change without notice.

Product Variations

Some of the product information, illustrations and images contained on this Internet site may have been prepared for generic use on TAM-EUROPE Internet sites. Consequently, some of the information and/or accessories may only be available in different specifications or configurations. If you are interested in any vehicle model, paint, option or accessory shown on the Internet site and are unsure of its availability or specification in your locality, you should contact TAM-EUROPE and/or a local authorized dealer for the relevant product, for information of current details in your locality.

Forward-Looking Statements

This Internet site may contain among other things forward looking statements that reflect management’s current views with respect to future events. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties not under the control of the TAM-EUROPE. If any of these or other risks and uncertainties occur, or if the assumptions underlying any of these statements prove incorrect, then actual results may be materially different from those expressed or implied by such statements. TAM-EUROPE does not intend or assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, which speaks only as of the date on which it is made.

Internet Site Up-Dates & External Links

TAM-EUROPE continually checks and updates the information that appears on this Internet site. However, despite all care having been taken, information may have changed in the meantime. TAM-EUROPE therefore cannot accept liability for or guarantee the currency/actuality, accuracy or completeness of the information provided. This Internet site contains links to external sites, which are not under the control of the TAM-EUROPE. Therefore we are not responsible for the contents of any linked site. The TAM-EUROPE is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by TAM-EUROPE of the linked site.

Obveščanje o nepravilnostih in zaščita prijaviteljev po Zakonu o zaščiti prijaviteljev

Zakon o zaščiti prijaviteljev (v nadaljevanju: ZZPri) ureja področje prijave in obravnave kršitev, zaznanih v delovnem okolju, in zaščito prijaviteljev v primeru povračilnih ukrepov delodajalca.

ZZPri uvaja sistem vzpostavitve notranjih in zunanjih poti za prijavo kršitev vseh predpisov, ki veljajo v Republiki Sloveniji, za katere so posamezniki izvedeli v okviru svojega delovnega okolja, ter zaščitne in podporne ukrepe za preprečitev ali odpravo povračilnih ukrepov, ki so jih prijavitelji deležni zaradi podane prijave. Družba je skladno z ZZPri sprejela interni akt – Pravilnik o obveščanju o nepravilnostih in o zaščiti prijaviteljev.
Namen navedenega pravilnika je predvsem zagotoviti informacije o postopku obravnave notranje prijave po ZZPri, ki mora omogočati popolnost, celovitost in zaupnost informacij ter nepooblaščenim osebam zavezanca preprečiti dostop do vsebine prijav, podatkov o prijavitelju in o osebah, ki jih prijava zadeva.

Vodstvo družbe se zaveda pomena etičnega in zakonitega poslovanja ter se zavezuje:

  • da ne bo poskušalo ugotavljati identitete prijaviteljev;
  • da ne bo izvajalo povračilnih ukrepov in
  • da bo spodbujalo zaposlene, da napake in morebitne kršitve, tudi če gre le za sume, sporočijo po notranji poti za prijave, saj bo na ta način mogoče prijave učinkovito obravnavati ter napake in kršitve hitro odpraviti.

Družba je imenovala dva zaupnika za sprejem prijav in sicer go. Anja Žarković Klun in g. Borisa Šuena.

Prijave se podajo praviloma na obrazcu, ki je priloga Pravilnika o obveščanju o nepravilnostih in o zaščiti prijaviteljev ter se sprejemajo na naslednje načine:

  • po e-pošti na naslov: (Anja Žarković) ali (Boris Šuen);
  • na telefonski številki: 00386 40 570 835 (Anja Žarković) ali na 00386 40 191 938 (Boris Šuen);
  • na naslovu družbe Cesta k Tamu 33, 2000 Maribor s pripisom »v roke zaupniku za notranjo prijavo«;
  • osebno pri zaupniku po predhodnem naročilu po telefonu ali e-pošti.